Feb. 11th, 1954

Box 5716

L.A.55, Calif.


Your letter dated Feb. 4th, 1954, addressed to Mr. Macfadden was naturally forwarded to me. I am the director of the Macfadden foundation and also in charge of all researches have been for the last 20 years.

Naturally what exposé writer, or for that matter any writer who is in the public eye, continually wants to be known or listed in any community? or why should I be listed in N.Y. Who ever said I was from New York? Your office has received a previous letter from me stating most of my qualification. Now it's my turn to expose you all for attempting to black mail me purely for the reasons indicated in most of your publications to silence any publications which expose such people as "the killers of homosexual fame."

You ought to be ashamed of yourself for attempting to pull such a cheap act with Mr. Macfadden. I suppose you thought I was a small fry writer instead of one of the PHYSICAL CULTURE DIRECTORS, and of course, in your feminine mind, like a catty woman, you thought he would fire me off his publication list !!!!!

Naturally, all of your mail has been photostated, and turned over to the L.A., N.Y. and Postal authorities. And I am sure from now on you will not attempt to blackmail or blackjack writers out of jobs. You sure stuck your neck out.

Yours truly too! Dr. A. G. Mathews



"Hundreds of thousands of men have marked homosexual tendencies in their make-up. The violence of their denunciation represents a desperate repudiation of their own homosexual tendencies. Moralistic indignation and an urge to punish are signs of a projected homosexual tendency."

"Society and the Homosexual" by Gordon Westwood, Dutton, 1952

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